1) Disconnect the battery throughout the procedure.
2) Be careful when handling cables. Never pull them hard. They all have snap-on connectors, take some time to see how to unlock them.
It is advisable to watch a couple of videos on the internet by doing a search such as “Ford steering wheel disassembly” or “airbag disassembly” to familiarize yourself with the procedure.
– Airbag removal
1) Remove the 2 plastics (upper and lower) that cover the steering column just behind the steering wheel. Screws may need to be unscrewed.
2) This gives you access to the staple springs that hold the airbag attached to the steering wheel. Get a flat screwdriver, grind it and “C” and push the spring towards the center of the steering wheel. The airbag will deploy just outside the steering wheel, by about half a centimetre, from the corresponding release side. The 2 springs are on the right and left sides of the steering wheel, at 180°. There may be a third depending on the model and year of your Ford.
3) As soon as the airbag has exited the steering wheel, disconnect the connector, first lifting the safety clip with a flat screwdriver. Delicately. Do not pull out the connector without unlocking the safety clip.
4) Once the airbag connector has been pulled out, lay the airbag safely away from everyone and any liquid.
5) Loosen the center screw of the steering wheel and make sure that the steering wheel slides on the steering column. When you see it flowing, you can remove the screw entirely.
6) Before removing the steering wheel, unlock the connector above the screw. Use a flat screwdriver to unlock the release lever.
7) Remove the steering wheel and place it securely so that it does not get scratched or damaged.
8) Now it’s time to lengthen the wires, both of the airbag and of the steering wheel controls. To lengthen the steering wheel control wires, you will use the cables included in the kit, to be threaded into the pins of the steering wheel connectors.
9) To lengthen the airbag wires, proceed as follows: cut the wires, which are normal electrical wires.
10) Uncover the core of the wires with a cable peeler, both on the side of the machine and on the side that is left in your hand.
11) Get electrical wires, of the same diameter as those of the airbag wire, and possibly also of the same 2 colors. Cut them to the required length, usually equal to that of the spacer: 5 or 6 cm. Peel off the ends of the wires and attach crimp tubes to the same ends. You will then have prepared your extension cords.
12) With the crimping tool, tighten the 2 terminals of the 2 extension cords to the respective 2 wires that come from the airbag connector.
At the end of the job you will get the complete extended wiring, which will be connected to the machine.
Continue by crimping the 2 terminals of the extension cord you have created, to the 2 wires that come out of the column of the machine. BE CAREFUL NOT TO REVERSE THEM. The wire that comes out of the machine, for example purple, must join the extended end, also purple, and so will the other.
Some cars have 2 connectors for the airbag: it means that all the operations carried out so far must be done 2 times.
From now on, you can proceed to mount the spacer and the steering wheel.
13) Insert the aluminum part of the spacer into the steering column and tighten the central screw that previously held the steering wheel. While inserting it, pass the wires through the window in the aluminium part. Gently and without ever pulling on them.
14) Screw the steel part onto the aluminum part of the spacer, using the included Allen screws, to be tightened to 10 Nm, and if you do not have a torque wrench, “with a strong wrist”.
15) Insert the steering wheel into the steering column, passing the wires through the window in the steering wheel itself, and screw the nut included in the kit to 60 Nm. If you don’t have a torque wrench, you have to tighten “by force of elbow” for 1 quarter turn.
16) Replace the connectors in the airbag and put the airbag back into the steering wheel. Pre-align it in the steering wheel itself and insert it into the seat by first sliding it slowly, then push the airbag all the way into the steering wheel with a sharp blow of the 2 hands: you will clearly feel the springs clicking. The airbag will then be reattached and the horn can be depressed as before.
Again: take a look at the videos on the internet on the disassembly and reassembly of the airbag, they are very helpful.
18) Reconnect the battery, turn on the car, if everything has been done well there are no warning lights, no noises will be heard and the steering wheel will rotate as before.
19) END.