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      Why is driving position so important?

      Read our article about the driving position

      How bringing the steering wheel closer improves the driving position?

      To drive with comfort, we are used to set the driving position holding the steering wheel as it naturally comes to, and adapt the legs position subsequently.

      If the steering wheel distance from the dashboard can’t be adjusted, legs are forced to stay in reduced room, between the wheel and the pedals, hitting the dahsboard and leading to knees, ankles, hip or lumbar back pain.

      To avoid all this, the seat has to be slided a couple of cm (or inches) backwards.

      Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem because the steering wheel becomes too far, and needs to be hold with over extended arms, in a very unnatural position which usually leads to neck and shoulder pains.

      This problem, depending on the body structure of the driver and his/her feeling, can become VERY annoying over time, making people thinking about change the car sooner or later.

      The steering wheel spacer brings the steering wheel 5 cm (2″) closer to the driver, allowing to move the seat backwards and gain room for the legs, while still holding the steering wheel in a natural way, without over-extended arms. This is a godsend boost for the driving pleasure.

      How to install an OEM steering wheel spacer?

      The steering wheel spacer has to be installed between the steering wheel and the steering column:

      1. remove the steering wheel
      2. insert the spacer on the steering column shaft
      3. put the steering wheel on the spacer’s shaft (which replicates the steering column)

      Read the step-by-step installation instructions

      How to install the steering wheel spacer on your Peugeot 107 108, watch the video

      Discover our tutorial to quickly and easily mount the steering wheel spacer on your Peugeot. The video was shot on a Toyota GT86, because the steering wheel spacer for Peugeot 107 and 108 is the same product suitable for Toyota GT86.