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      The steering wheel spacer is a kit that improves the driving position.

      Our steering wheel spacer for Vw Golf 1 and Caddy brings the OEM steering wheel 2″ (5 cm) closer, allowing to drive with the seat all backwards (with the consequent benefits for the legroom), and still holding the steering wheel naturally, without stretching the arms.

      The driver’s sensation is godsend.

      Read our article about the driving position

      Until now, to bring a vehicle’s steering wheel closer to the driver, without the depth adjustment option, you could only remove the OEM steering wheel and replace it with an aftermarket one, and combine it with its collapsible steering wheel hub. Until the 80s and early 90s this was a good solution, but when a car starts to become vintage you feel the need to leave it as it left the factory back in the days. With our steering wheel spacer you can bring the original vintage steering wheel closer to you and solve the problem of the driving position while maintaining the originality.

      How to install steering wheel spacer on your Volkswagen Golf 1

      Mounting the steering wheel spacer in 10 steps:

      1. remove the shell that acts as a button for the horn (it usually pop-up)
      2. Unscrew the nut that holds the steering wheel on the steering column and pull it out
      3. Now you can pull the steering wheel away from the steering column, disconnect the horn wire
      4. Remove the sliding contact from the back of the steering wheel by unscrewing the 3 small screws
      5. Screw the sliding contact on the steering wheel spacer, reusing the 3 small screws that previously held it on the steering wheel.
      6. Slide the black part of the steering wheel spacer onto the steering column, where the steering wheel used to be, and tight the nut that previously held the steering wheel onto the steering column.
      7. Secure the steel hub to the black part of the steering wheel spacer, with the 4 Allen screws.
      8. Slide the steering wheel into the steel hub, which replicates the steering column.
      9. Screw on the center nut provided in the kit. The steering wheel is now back on the car.
      10. Insert the horn shell back into the steering wheel, by pressing it in. You’re done!

      Together with the installation guide we offer a link to a video for disassembling the steering wheel on Golf 1 and 2.

      As soon as possible, we will shoot one in a Golf mk1.

      Do you want to do it yourself? Contact us and discover the discount for those who collaborate with us to enrich the site with technical contributions such as video tutorials and assembly instructions.